Friday, July 5, 2024

Campaign Journal: Out And About in Chirath

The dust settled from the arena match, and the party gathered:

  • Jax - barbarian
  • Frederick - thief
  • Slick - thief
  • Orzu- gnome
  • Fulvus - halfling
Akreos the arena-master gave Jax her cut of the gate takings, and a couple of healing potions, besides. Fulvus showed up, asking if he'd missed anything (He and hench Wene were off getting her outfitted with some plate armor).

Well, since the part had already made a subtle entry into town (hydra kill plus arena victory), the only best option was to now hire a bard...

After some asking about, the party found themselves at the "Hunting Sage," an expansive inn in the mercantile end of the city. Wiping their feet before entering, Orzu asked the proprietor if there might be a bard who may sing the praises of Jax. The owner, a retired dwarven campaigner named Ziri, looked at Jax (who currently consists primarily of scar tissue), and pointed out a well-appointed entertainer from among the possible candidates. 

Orzu introduced himself and Jax to Witha, a distinguished-looking balladeer. She looked them over and asked how she may be of help. Orzu explained that they needed someone to sing the tales of Jax. Jax, of course, is a modest soul, but did add, that Witha could "toot her horn on my behalf." Witha had heard of the hydra hunt (fresh hydra steaks being on the menu in several establishments today), and was happy to meet one of its hunters. Orzu also described the arena match. Witha said she could work with that, and made some notes.


Some time later, she announced a new work, set to a traditional ballad, and sung a very acceptable paean to the heroic Jax, who had slain the nuisance hydra, and defeated the twisted beings of the arena, almost single-handedly (some embellishments and exaggeration required). Oh, with a little help from her companions (stinkeye from Slick). 

In the meantime, Frederick was wandering the crowd, listening for any useful tidbits. Merchants were talking of the hydra kill over their steaks, happy that a menace had been removed. After all, a threat to maritime industry and trade always makes things uncertain. A couple of military types were discussing the arena match. Useful information had been gathered from the fight, and it was important for the citizens to see such spectacles, to make them more aware of such threats, and more amicable to decisions to be made later... 

Time to party. Slick failed his carousing roll and got pickpocketed. Maybe by Caleb, from last episode. Who knows. 

The next day, Orzu asked the thieves if they might be willing to lift some certain gemstones, as he needs material components for Chromatic Orb. Sure, he could probably afford to buy, but where's the fun in that? 

Fulvus and Wene, since they'd missed the prior day's excitement decided to take in the arena. They took Jax along as chaperone. When they reached the gate, the ticket taker recognized Jax, looked over his shoulder, and ushered them to a box seat.

The first match of the day was pankration, with a pair of pugilists pummeling. A good match, with a bloodied contender finally emerging victorious, but not without his own injuries, as he gamely staggered from the arena. The second match appeared to be amateur hour, as a pair of nervous combatants entered the arena. Their opponent, Skippy the Ogre. The ogre wandered out of his gate, sighed, and hefted his club. Several "Skippy" pennants were seen in the crowd. Some time later, his opponents pulverized, Skippy waved to the crowd, yawned, and wandered back to his quarters. 

Somewhere in all this, Akreos ran across the party. And since the halflings hadn't killed anything recently, they signed up for a match. Akreos said he'd have a worthy opponent available for them tomorrow evening. 

In the meantime, the acquisition specialists and Orzu headed to the Hidden Hand. Entering via the fishmonger's shop (after buying sufficient seafood for a feast), they met with Solange, asking about potential gem movements in town. She noted who had been heard to be taking in gem shipments, but warned them off of a couple of jewelers, who the guild did regular business with. However, Beladon the elf''s shop had been seen with a good load, and maybe that would be an option. Dwarves had also been bringing through rubies, transiting them to points unknown. This always piques the characters' interest...

The three then visited Rielia, one of the 'friendly' jewelers. After small talk, they showed her the ruby glass shard carried by Orzu. She confirmed its composition, and the PCs opined on ruby transport in the area. Interested in her various lenses and prisms used to assay gems, Slick bought a used loupe from her. 

Everyone reconvened at the Crossed Blades, and Orzu coordinated with Raggi and the party's new cook, Merla, to arrange a seafood feast for party and all guests. Raggi pointed out a figure in Shadowy Corner #2 (the inn has them conveniently numbered) who wanted to speak with the party. The individual introduced himself as Otto Lohmus, and he'd been awaiting the party's arrival after their departure from Acroria. Massen Cardew, his contact in Acroria, had sent word ahead. Likewise, Lohmus seemed to have a reasonably good sense of the party's movements after that time... He offered to share information and contacts elsewhere, if agreeable. For information in exchange, of course.

The seafood feast was had, and no one got into any bad shrimp.


As the party finished up, a messenger arrived, inviting them to the city's library. Sure, books. The library, like most of the city, appeared to have been reconstructed and expanded since the city's rehabitation. The librarian, Zahira Gandega, welcomed them to her facility. And yes, like everyone else, had heard of their entry into town... And that they may have information of the old strongholds and forces from the before-times. It would be a great boon for her, especially something to share with her superiors back at the Chained Library of Athenard. The party would be willing to share, but unfortunately Rondel, who carries most of the documents, was off doing elf-stuff somewhere. 

Time to head back to the inn to plan heists, etc. On the way, Slick felt a blade slip off his armor. He spun to see a blurred figure fleeing. Turning invisible, Slick pursued. He caught up with the assailant, but forgot that his blade was peace-bonded and failed to draw the scimitar (rolled a 1). The pursuit continued, and Slick was able to strike his attacker. A chill ran through his hand and arm, and the fellow looed ashen gray. (Evil laughter here). By then, Frederick had caught up and dropped the fellow to 1hp. They interrogated him, and as expected, found themselves talking to a Chaos fanatic. He refused to be intimidated, even as Orzu stood on his chest and threatened cannibalism. The assassin claimed that the party would continued to be followed and whittled down. Before the city guards arrived, Slick stumbled and did the fellow in. With Jax and the halflings slowing the guards, by the time they reached the body, only Orzu was there, looking somewhat miffed.

DM Notes:

The party ain't about subtlety. Not that they don't bite at what their generous DM throws in front of them. That said, more contacts met, and more information of the structure of the city and its inhabitants. 

Those danged Chaos assassins, always popping up at inopportune times. 

For those curious about my prep - this session hinged on about a half page of notes, mostly NPC names for possible contacts/encounters. Of course, this is backed by my lore document for the city and map with highlighted landmarks. In some ways, mid-campaign prep is relatively easy, as we have an ongoing plot and character motivations are fairly well established. Being located in a city for the moment, with its wealth of opportunity, certainly helps, as well.

That said...

So, I guess I'm designing a heist target for a couple of the members. There is already planning of distractions and alibis. I have a floorplan, a list of questionable intelligence on the place, and some scribbled notes. As per usual.

Oh my, what to pit the halflings against? Well, its going to be a mutated something (not really a spoiler at this point). After perusing Deviantart and Artstation, I remembered a monster I'd seen a couple years back via other media. Heh heh heh.... Art found, abilities sketched out, and we're good to go. Shouldn't be too traumatizing...

EDIT: Oh, Slick's sword... I'd ginned up 10 magic swords (+x and a secondary power) and let him roll for what was found. Well, it's +1 and level drain. A reasonable brutal secondary effect. Hence the cold sensations and ashen appearance of the assassin. But a sword like that really can't not have some liability, now, can it? ...


Oh, and I upped Goober to 3HD. Because Good Dog.

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