Thursday, July 25, 2024

Campaign Journal: Recon and Arena

Hidey ho, neighbors!

The whole gang is here:

Frederick - thief
Slick - thief
Rondel - elf
Orzu - gnome
Fulvus - halfling
Jax - barbarian

Everyone was up bright and early. The crew had things to do. The halflings were sharpening weapons, polishing armor and doing whatever halfings do before death matches. The thieves were judging their odds versus whatever security Beladon the jeweler had at his shop. Time to get to work.

The crew checked in at the arena - the halflings were third on the bill, with a local gladiator vs a "wild man of the North" and a Dwarven wrestling exhibition match as teh opening acts.

Time to make some bets. Henry the cleric was entrusted with the halflings' coin to bet on them, of course. Rondel bet on them as well, aong with several conditional bets (first blood, etc.). Orzu bet on both the local gladiator and the halflings to win. Henry, on second thought, threw a few coin on the "northman" to win. The party attempted to ascertain as to the opponent(s), but could only determine that it was probably more Chaos mutant.

The thieves asked around at the Guild regarding Beladon's shop. They got some indeterminate rumors and an idea of the layout (shop, upstairs quarters, cellar vaults). Time to reconnoiter. Fred and Slick did the unimaginable and walked in the front door with the objective of buying something...

A couple of blobs with no necks looked them up and down and granted admittance. A third guard let them in through the inner foyer and followed them into a waiting area. He called for Beladon and a few minutes later, an elf appeared from behind a curtain and greeted them through a barred teller's window. What were they in the market for? Emeralds, please. The jeweler disappeared and Slick made small talk with the guard, Gerald. Does the boss pay well? Ok, but the missus just gave birth to our fifth. Things could be better... I hear ya.

Beladon came back with a lockbox of emeralds of various sizes. Sorry, the largest was sold recently for a gift for a lady. The thieves picked a large specimen to evaluate. Slick pulled out his new loupe and pretended to know what he was doing. Some negotiation and back and forth ("You wouldn't disparage my reputation!?") and the gem was purchased for a "reasonable" 400gp. Frederick asked after the local ruby market, but Beladon hadn't seen much, lately. Oh, and give Gerald a raise. I know, they're fecund, those humans. No offence. None taken.

Back out into the street. Hmm. Not much could be seen. Gang signs, and a street urchin was summoned. Do you know anything about the jeweler? No sir, but I can find a friend who might know. Do you have anything for me to buy lunch? Slick gave the young man enough to buy several months worth of lunches. Some time later, he returned. Go to the The Lazy Harper, he'll find you. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Shadowdark Session 0: Meet Bloggah

I found this file on my tablet. Not sure where it came from, so giving the unknown author the benefit of the doubt and assuming it's genuine: 


Yo. I found this odd magical tablet where I poke at it and I can spell out words.

A magical miracle! Wait until I tell Rig-Rot! He'll think it's the rat's balls!

Oh, hello. I'm Bloggah. Goblin, if you care. I recently joined an encampment of my kin northeast of Hound's Head. There's Rig-Rot. I share a tent with him. Cass-Crow. She's pretty handy. Zern the Wist. He doesn't like anyone who's not a goblin, collects skulls. Ergo-En, Har-Hok, Wort-Wig, and the rest. We're just trying to make our way. Rig-Rot found an old collapsed fort. Some of the walls are still up. Good enough to block the wind from our tents and hovels, maybe help keep the wolves out. Or whatever wanders out of the deeper Komor forest. Plus winter's coming. We need to stock up and get some roofs up.

So I was coming back from woodcutting, when I head voices. Dwarves. I don't speak their tongue, but most of them harmless, keep to themselves since all that stuff that happened back in the Before Times. Just two, one dragging a handcart of tools. So I waved them down. 

Said their names were Ulfgar and Alric. Brothers looking for metal veins to mine to the northwest. They'd heard we were down here, so wanted to make our acquaintances on the way to Hound's Head. Sure, come on down. I'll let the crew know you're here. 

Got most of the gang to say hi (except Zern, of course). The dwarves want to be good guests, so pull out a cask of ale, pass out some cups to share. Cups have the Great Imbiber carved on them. Not our god, but most of Their followers seem happy folk. 

The dwarves want to introduce themselves, possible trade. They're waiting for their kin to come and make a settlement up north, see if the play turns out to be worth it. 

Asked them about what they'd found, if they had a place to overwinter yet. Nope- probably need to build some cabins. Only 'cave' they'd found was an old crypt. Don't know why they weren't interested in setting up camp in it. After all, its occupants wouldn't make any noise. Probably.

Dwarves headed to Hound's Head. Left us the remains of the cask and the cups. Right neighborly.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

D66 Unusual Undead

Undead are the bread and butter (and bones and banes) of dungeon spaces. But they get a bit mundane after the umpteenth zombie slain or turned. So, have some random alternatives via the magic D66 table. Some have stated abilities, some are just goofy. And yes, the first d6 value roughly aligns with the hit die. 

The Vampire, by Philip Buren-Jones

D66 Unusual Undead

11: Skeleton, rubbery bones, half damage from anything
12: Skeleton, just the bottom half, keeps bumping into things
13: Skeleton, explodes on destruction, shrapnel damage, 1d6, 10’ radius
14: Skeleton, extra loud and clattery
15: Skeleton, comprised of mismatched parts
16: Skeleton, reassembles after 1d3 turns
21: Zombie, infectious, anyone killed rises as zombie in 1d2 turns
22: Zombie, choreographed dances
23: Zombie, 1d3 extra mouths
24: Zombie, filled with worms and rot grubs
25: Zombie, brains! Acquires memories and spells of victim
26: Zombie, gas-filled, 1in6 chance of releasing poison gas with each damaging blow
31: Ghoul, epicurean, picky
32: Ghoul, surrounded by a disorienting cloud of flies and biting insects (as swarm)
33: Ghoul, swap paralysis for poison (2d4 dmg, save for half)
34: Ghoul, spider-ghoul, spider-ghoul, does whatever a spider thinks is cool...
35: Ghoul, displacing, blurred
36: Ghoul, singing, poet, all drama and rotted capes
41: Wraith, trailing a cloak of darkness
42: Wraith, drains CON
43: Wraith, drains bank account
44: Wraith, fear effect (save or flee 1d4 rounds)
45: Wraith, cold, freezing effect (save or slowed, 1d4 rounds)
46: Wraith, giant, looming (2xHD, increase damage die by one)
51: Mummy, curse-obsessed, creative
52: Mummy, just beetles in wrapping
53: Mummy, just the wrapping
54: Mummy, bored, mostly just wants to give tomb tours
55: Mummy, disorienting effect, intruders lost in sepulchral mazes
56: Mummy, random wrappings: flags, dishtowels, toilet paper, caution tape
61: Vampire, just a bat in a cloak
62: Vampire, bursts into a cloud of canaries
63: Vampire, vegetarian, referred to as a “sapsucker” by their peers
64: Vampire, surrounded by bright lights and shiny things, lots of pink
65: Vampire, speech impediment, wears retainer
66: Vampire, commands vast network of feral cats

The dance of death: Death finds an author writing his life.
Color lithograph by Edward Hull

Monday, July 8, 2024

D66 Afterlife Experiences

Well, it happened. One too many blows from the foe, that unseen spear trap, a venomous bite. Your PC is is no more, has ceased to be, is expired and gone to meet his maker, etc.

So what did your PC experience while they waited for their companions to drag their stiffening body back to town and pool enough coin to have them raised?  

Sir Olaf and the Underworld, by Kay Nielsen

D66 Things Your PC Experienced While They Were Dead

D66  Shit, I'm Dead!
11     Tasted ambrosia. All food now tasted like ash.
12     Bickering angels.
13     All of their dead pets.
14     Disappointed ancestors.
15     Screaming. So much screaming.
16     The music of the spheres.
21     One moment of perfect beauty.
22     Naught but the Void.
23     Reboot of the simulation.
24     Looking up at six people around a table.
25     Dude pushing a big rock.
26     Ghosts bumming for change at the Styx.
31     Fiery horses chasing ghostly steers.
32     Dueling harps.
33     Viking party!
34     Line of souls waiting on the rebirth application process.
35     Haunting lessons.
36     Dead rockers jamming.
41     Endless gray plains.
42     Infinite roulette wheels constantly spinning,
43     Three chicks with a spinning wheel, tape measure, and scissors.
44     Anubis weighing hearts.
45     Dead-rights picketers and pamphleteers.
46     Various death gods playing lots for souls.
51     Massive tree boughs holding up the heavens.
52     How did those Mormon missionaries get in here?
53     At least there are no lawyers...
54     Great birds carrying souls toward the dawn.
55     Only 71 virgins.
56     A great serpent constricting the world.
61     Forgotten gods panhandling for worshipers.
62     Cerberus and the Black Dog playing tug-of-war with souls.
63     Poppies everywhere.
64     Great infinite cliffs into the clouds, speck of souls seen climbing.
65     Chaotic funhouse. Clowns everywhere.
66     Eternal bouncers and a red velvet rope.

Playthings of Eternity, by Cardwell Higgins

Friday, July 5, 2024

Campaign Journal: Out And About in Chirath

The dust settled from the arena match, and the party gathered:

  • Jax - barbarian
  • Frederick - thief
  • Slick - thief
  • Orzu- gnome
  • Fulvus - halfling
Akreos the arena-master gave Jax her cut of the gate takings, and a couple of healing potions, besides. Fulvus showed up, asking if he'd missed anything (He and hench Wene were off getting her outfitted with some plate armor).

Well, since the part had already made a subtle entry into town (hydra kill plus arena victory), the only best option was to now hire a bard...

After some asking about, the party found themselves at the "Hunting Sage," an expansive inn in the mercantile end of the city. Wiping their feet before entering, Orzu asked the proprietor if there might be a bard who may sing the praises of Jax. The owner, a retired dwarven campaigner named Ziri, looked at Jax (who currently consists primarily of scar tissue), and pointed out a well-appointed entertainer from among the possible candidates. 

Orzu introduced himself and Jax to Witha, a distinguished-looking balladeer. She looked them over and asked how she may be of help. Orzu explained that they needed someone to sing the tales of Jax. Jax, of course, is a modest soul, but did add, that Witha could "toot her horn on my behalf." Witha had heard of the hydra hunt (fresh hydra steaks being on the menu in several establishments today), and was happy to meet one of its hunters. Orzu also described the arena match. Witha said she could work with that, and made some notes.


Some time later, she announced a new work, set to a traditional ballad, and sung a very acceptable paean to the heroic Jax, who had slain the nuisance hydra, and defeated the twisted beings of the arena, almost single-handedly (some embellishments and exaggeration required). Oh, with a little help from her companions (stinkeye from Slick). 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Campaign Journal: Wherein Jax Almost Dies, AGAIN

Who woke up at the Crossed Arms Inn by the southern gate of Chirath?

  • Frederick - thief
  • Slick - more thief
  • Orzu - gnome
  • Jax - barbarian
Breakfast was had, compliments of Raggi the dwarf proprietor. The acquisitional specialists of the party asked after the location of the Hidden Hand, a tavern recommended by Mellia Saber, the "messenger" employed by Victor Matui and Firmin Dyel. Raggi pointed them to the opposite end of town. Just look for the place behind the fishmonger's. You can's miss it.

The party made their way north through the city via its main thoroughfare. They passed mercantile, craftsfolk, other inns and taverns. Wild-eyed street preachers spewed fire and brimstone sermons. Some attracted crowds, some were ignored. Caravaneers passed, either preparing for winter camp, or for a final haul for the season.

Our heroes doglegged through the temple district to one of the commercial docks. Frederick asked the harbormaster about potential passage to the Smoking Isles and the stronghold of the Sea Dwarves. He was rebuffed, as the dwarves had recently taken a grain ship. But you might want to ask at the north docks. Maybe one of the packets there would be foolhardy enough to take you.

Continuing to the northern extent of the city, the party found the dock. Fishermen unloaded their catches, and coastal traders took cargo. The party spotted, or smelled, "Eddy's Fresh Fish." The proprietor and his crew were cutting up a rather large, and unidentifiable fish and discussing on whether to put it in the "Miscellaneous" or "Exotic" crate. 

via Dyson

Circling through the adjoining alleyway, the gang found the Hidden Hand, a somewhat ramshackle tavern. A couple of inebriated sailors stumbled out, and Slick relieved them of their coin purses. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

"Brother Odom's Crypt" - An Encounter Area From Our Campaign

Last session, our band of miscreants came upon a tomb inhabited by an undead knight of an old order. They have encountered such undead warriors before, so delved in to see if they could recruit said knight to their cause. The knight, although handicapped, was willing to join. However, the party found that his soldiers had been corrupted by other organisms, and a fight was had. 

So sharing a slightly revised version of the quick encounter area that I sketched up for the party. 

As clearly shown...

The original map was drawn by prolific creator u/Raznag. I have a handful of his pieces, and this is the first one that got scribbled on. So we have a small, linear crypt with a mushroom-filled cavern. Perfect for a resting crusader and his corrupted colleagues.

Original map here

I made a quick "finished" dungeon from the session map. Elements of the scenario (deity, relic, and faction) are obviously from our campaign, but could be adjusted for your play. The "fungal wraiths" are co-opted from my "Banshee's Tower" adventure, which two of the players have helped to clear. Enjoy.

Welcome to Brother Odom's Crypt

Monday, June 3, 2024

Campaign Journal: The Road to Chirath

The curtain rises on our heroes:

  • Fulvus: halfling
  • Slick: Thief
  • Jax: Barbarian
  • Orzu: Gnome (returning after a hiatus)

After the return to Neuforde, the party refitted and hired up a few new horse-guards and drovers. And, of course, they asked Hugo what he might have in stock. The gnome alchemist has a couple of his special healing potions available, as well as an "explosive paste" that Slick took interest in. Hugo also gave the party a crock of "caustic sludge" (alchemical waste) that they may find uses for.

Some catch-up of events and discussion, as Orzu's player has been on walkabout for a couple of months. The decision was made to head to the city of Chirath, regional capital for the Hougon Duchy, since a number of potential resources were rumored in the city and surrounds.

Bright and early the next morning, the party rolled out. A long day of travel, and no untoward events, brought the party to the gates of the town of Laford, located at a 'Y' in the trade road. The guards were roused and reluctantly opened the town gates. They grumpily pointed the party toward the town's inn ("The Half-Full Cup") and went back to their guard-house. 

The halfling proprietor took a look at the party and their retainers, did some quick mental calculations, and said, "Wait a moment." Some commotion and noise was heard from upstairs, and he returned. "A room has just opened up..." The local beer-seller was happy to talk shop with Fulvus, and essentially shared the family recipe. Everyone had lodging and a good stew to close the night. Slick stole a hat (pointy, indigo).

The next morning, the party was greeted with pastries from a local shop and sent on their way with well wishes. Some time after noon, the party crossed a river ford. Buzzards were spotted in the sky. Slick dismounted, went invisible, and scouted ahead.

Always a good sign

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

They Met at a Tavern 4: Another Visit to the Temple of Dynss

Had some unscheduled time during the long holiday weekend, so posted up a last minute Meetup one-shot session. Fell back on OSE as the Game of Choice for the evening. I had four participants, one of whom was a Repeat Offender from the "Atticus Stumps" session.

Who did we have?

  • Varric the Dwarf (Jema)
  • Father Seva the Cleric (Alex)
  • Robert the Mage (Max)
  • Faldo the Fighter (Tom)
We rolled for Random Headgear (both the dwarf and cleric received Fancy Top Hats), asked a few roleplaying questions to get into the minds of the characters, and were off.

I had my usual sheaf of potential scenarios and decided to run another play-through of the Temple of Dynss, since I had softened it for the 1st level Deathbringer play-through, and wanted to see how the "intended" character levels fared.

The party was hired by the local Council to check out the temple, per usual. The dwarf insisted on a down payment for expenses. Thus fortified, the party made their way towards the temple. The only event of note en route was encountering a very large viper that was, fortunately, put down without mishap. But that was a really large viper...

Upon finding the temple, the party accessed it via the main stairs, sending the dwarf first to check out the dark space. Finding nothing, she called the rest of the party in. They were impressed by the size of the space and the toolmarks where the chambers had been carved from the bedrock.

They spotted the tapestries covering the accesses to the western chamber. Varric considered their possible sale value while Father Seva recommended that, as depictions of Chaos, they must be burned. The tapestries were set aside for future conflagrations.

The party inspected the western chamber and its rusted door, but didn't probe much. The dwarf wandered out into the western landing, where she spotted the statue. (Here's a later-edition player moment - the question of can I roll perception to see if it's trapped? Let me describe the statue first - then you can decide. Well, there are scorch marks around the statue, what do you think?) The mage offered his 10-foot pole, which the dwarf used to poke the statue. ZOT! and the dwarf now holds a 7-foot pole. She picked up the loose change from the alter.


Saturday, May 25, 2024

D66 Relics

Relics. Artifacts, bodily remains, sacred ephemera... Often imbued with some divine or mystical power, representative of the relic's original bearer.

The Vendramin Family Venerating a Relic of the True Cross, Titian

Last session, the PCs were granted "Sister Sowena's Fist" a prosthetic gauntlet formerly owned by a crusader, that now is alleged to have the powers to locate restless dead who still keep watch against the forces of Chaos. The Sister's remains, themselves, reside in a coffer and provide protection against incursions. 

Arm reliquiary of the holy Niclas, 1225-1250.

So what relic may a party seek out on purpose, or find via chance? D66 relics, mostly alliterative in name, with a brief description, and a few bonus D6 lists...

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Campaign Journal: Cobalt Lake, Part the Second

After the day's events, the party was welcomed to spend the night among Queen Adra's loyal subjects.

Who's partying tonight?

  • Fulvus: halfling
  • Frederick: thief
  • Slick: thief
  • Rondel: elf
  • Jax: barbarian
  • Miscellaneous Mooks 
Ok, let's get it on. Partying occurs. Jax and Flick took part in hobgoblin axe throwing contests, with mixed success. Goober was accosted by several goblin children. Fulvus tried out a few varieties of goblin 'small beer' without any deleterious effects, and got some inspiration for herbal amendments to his future brews. Rondel made association with a handful of gnolls, who were impressed with his language skills. Frederick communed in a sweathouse with Adra, her hobgoblin shaman, Shazen, and whatever aromatics he was tossing on the fire. 

Frederick's celebration was hampered by a premonition that an ally had been displaced or otherwise detained. Something to contemplate.

Everyone woke up, bleary, in the morning to a commotion at camp of the goblin tribe who the party had escorted into the settlement. The two tribal heads had been slain in the night, and their prized bow stolen! Murder most foul...

A search of the area turned up tht bow stashed among the party's gear in their wagon. Accusations flew, focussing on Murdar, the dwarven man-at-arms ("It's in his name!"). Murdar is a rather simple-minded dwarf, known for carrying a rag doll. He was questioned under the close inspection of Jax (with the help of Faith Perpetual), as were the other two mooks, Golman and Barlow. Alibis seemed to be consistent, although Faith was having a hard time getting a read on Barlow... Rondel attempted a charm, but the spell fizzled. The party described to Adra how they had been tracked by one or more Chaos assassins, who had slain a number of individuals who the party had made contact with. This stunk of their doing.

In any case, Queen Adra was not pleased with this development. The goblin camp and party camp were investigated, and few clues were uncovered. The bow was returned to the goblins.

Adra made council with her advisors, Shazen and Golandan the desert elf. The party would be allowed to leave, but in the light of the Chaos attack, and the mysterious deaths, they would be requested to leave a hostage advisor among their number to help keep an eye out for more Chaos incursions and aid in strategy. Flick volunteered/was voluntold that he would remain. Slick left him with a beloved (stolen) hat and Fulvus left him with a device known to stun chitin drakes. 

a better representation of Adra (source)

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Campaign Journal: The Queen of Cobalt Lake

Who is on the road tonight?

  • Fulvus, halfling
  • Frederick, thief
  • Rondel, elf
  • Jax, barbarian
  • Various mooks

The party rested and healed at Hardbrand Tower. Gladwin and his fellow undead knights prepared for their new watch at the tower. The spare node lens was secured within the reliquary, to be retrieved at a later time.

They continued their trek south along the overgrown trade road, clearing brush as necessary for their wagon (currently full of various monster heads for Fulvus' brewery). The road was uneventful until the dice said that there were a couple of burrows along the roadside. Followed by a quick clarification. Burros? Barrows? Burrows.

Fulvus poked at the BURROWS, pissing off a pair of ankhegs. There was a bitey struggle, and Fulvus has another head for his brewery wall (building on is pretty much a given at this point). Burrow searched, and the party recovered some valuables, a +1 crossbow, and an unidentified potion.


The following day, the party caught up with a tribe of goblins, also moving south along the road. The tribe was a pathetic lot, with a few skinny wolves pulling travois with their meager belongings. Was the party also going to meet Da Queen? Who was she? Well, she had a small domain along the lake, and was protecting folks who cared to join her. Along the lake, you say? Well, she may be near where we want to go. So I guess we are meeting the Queen.

Monday, May 6, 2024

They Met at a Tavern 3: Clearing the Water Under Wyvernseeker Hill

Last Wednesday's Meetup one-shot only had two plays (#3 was a missed connection). One was a Repeat Offender, and spoke well of my GM skills, so that was a boost.

With just a pair of players, I had each make up a pair of Deathbringer PCs to run through the wringer. 

  • Player 1: Ferris Mantlefall, Witchhunter and Niles, Plague Doctor
  • Player 2: Amberlin, Scoundrel and Pentaxin, Grimscribe

Finally a Witchhunter! So no undead this week. 

I kid.

I pulled up "Four Visits to Wyvernseeker Rock," a collection I put together some time ago, but haven't run through. Of the four scenarios, I selected "Wraithful River" (spoilers, of course).

The PCs were tempted into the scenario by word that the river upstream of their village had become poisoned, with a fishkill and dead wildlife. Coincidentally, the old mausoleum of Wyvernseeker Rock had been disturbed, with unknown things moving about.

So be it. Let's go test the waters.

The party found the locale, and sussed out the main entrance behind a waterfall. They were immediately set upon be a Tumorous Spider


Friday, April 26, 2024

Campaign Journal: I Forgot My Notes, or, Beers, a Barrow, and a Beatdown

Welcome to another game-night scribbling...

Who's ready to rumble?

  • Jax, Barbarian
  • Fulvus, Halfling
  • Frederick, Thief
  • Slick, Also a Thief
  • The Henches and Hangers-on
Like I noted on my last play report, if there is no cleric in the party, there will be a barrow... More on that, later.

First order of business. Fulvus had commissioned construction of a brewery in Neuforde. So it is desired, so will it be done...

My architectural drawing skills are rusty

A small brewery, designed off some fantasy floorplan I found, thought I'd downloaded, and could never find again. It's situated outside the new town wall, near the river and not far from the so-called "Bonk's Tower" gate on the north side of town. It has its first two employees, Adelheid Goold, a halfling new in town and with a brewing background, and Nordbert Underlake, the halfing bard picked up a few towns back. If his musical career doesn't pick up, he can push a broom. Fulvus is already making plans to expand...

The town continues to grow, especially with a number of new halfling "cousins" manning the walls for flying threats and other dangers. The rebuilt trading post will not burn down again if they have anything to say about it...

The party, reduced a bit without its two spellcasters and hench-cleric, decided to head out into the boonies anyhow, because there really isn't anything to worry about these days. Their intent was to seek out the next of the southern Barrier nodes, known to be along an overgrown trade road to the south.

They loaded up and headed out, with the intent to stop at Kabrel's Tower, where they knew that Thefri and a couple of other druids had holed up after being dislodged from Ashryn Tower by Chaos mutants. As they neared the tower, they noticed that the trees looked distinctly ... less friendly. 


Particularly evidenced by a few Chaos mutant corpses skewered among the branches...

Team Lorax was definitely not messing around.

The party was confronted soon after by a pair of dire wolves. Thefri appeared and let the two good boys (Gagnin and Anzel) know that the party was okay, and Goober and the two wolves did dog things. His compatriots Divos and Albus were present, as well as two new companions, Eryn and Othulf, who seemed to be responsible for the tree magic. The druids reported that they had been watching the area for the abominations that were the Chaos mutants, and that the trees were sensitive to the Chaos forces. The manipulations of natural forces for malicious ends was an affront, and they weren't having any of it. The party camped for the night at the tower, and let the druids know that they were continuing south to find the next node location.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Sanctuary of Oies, or, Dwarves Behaving Badly...

Greetings, heroes!

Tim graciously posted up a spare map some time back, and like so many maps, it languishes in my notebook with many of its kin. But occasionally, the muse strikes, in some way, shape, or form. In the case of Tim's maps, it seems that, at least for the last few maps I've stocked, there are either dwarves in trouble, or causing trouble. So dwarves it is.

The project lived unto the working title of "dwarves behaving badly" until I could give it a proper title. Here, we have a temple to a dwarven earth god, abandoned after a ritual gone awry. But... Someone wants to unseal the doom that came to the temple. That happens. The PCs must stop said ritual, or potentially be in a World of Hurt (tm). The adventure is set up with a timer, so successfully stopping the unsealing of the second level will halt the escape. But, if the thing escapes and is defeated, there may well be reward in the deeper level of the temple.

I had a bit of fun with the boss monster. It was a name that came to me as I was brainstorming, and I made a critter to fit the name. I hope it's disturbing enough. 

The second level map was provided by Jackson, and fits the theme of the scenario well enough, as well as helps illustrate the introduction and worship of a new deity. 

The cover art images were discovered among the works of Jacques Collet, and illustrate our namesake dwarves behaving badly...


Sunday, April 21, 2024

They Met At a Tavern 2: Another Deathbringer One-Shot

Howdy folks. Time for another Meetup One-shot session at the brewery. Since I'd had a successful run with Deathbringer last time, I wanted to play with the game a bit more. The night's miscreant PCs:

  • Rosey the Plague Doctor
  • Ferrick the Plague Doctor
  • Timber the Deathbringer
  • Young Gerrin the Scoundrel
Plenty of local healthcare providers

Note: No Witch Hunters, again. So yes, there will be undead... But first, the Shorter Half asked, "Aren't we going to roll for hats?" Of course we are.

I recently finished "The Temple of Dynss" and wanted to give it a playtest. The scenario is more appropriate for 2nd to 3rd level PCs, so I softened the lizardfolk guards, otherwise things were run by the book. 

The party got hired as expendables to go check out the goings-on at the abandoned temple, since the local lizardfolk tribe had become more belligerent lately. Having few coins to rub together, and the promise of heaps of jade sent them on their way.

Random encounter en route - a lizardfolk hunting party. Great... Reaction roll: 11. "Hi, would you like a rabbit? Look out for snakes!" The party soon arrived at the temple and cooked the rabbit for lunch.

Rosey reconnoitered the perimeter of the temple, with Gerrin scrambling up the ruined side to check out the platform. He spotted the statue and an undead gecko. With a little planning, Timber made a racket, and lured it away into the woods while the remainder of the party checked out the statue, which was surrounded by obvious scorch marks. So of course Ferrick went up and poked it. No boom. He got away with some pocket change left on the alter.

The party entered the temple proper, inspecting the first room. They took a close look at the stele there, then poked their heads into the large central temple room. Here, they were spotted by a pair of guards, who rushed them. Ferric missed his throw with a potion (an ongoing issue), but Gerrin and Rosey took out one, and Timber critted the second. The party checked pockets, then broke down a rusted door to find a small idol.

By now, it was time for another wandering monster, so I attacked them with the undead gecko because that was funny. They dispatched it without too many wounds. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

D66 Things Found in a Wizard's Tower

More D66 wackiness, this time what's knocking around in the labs, closets, and/or junk drawers in the abode of one of those arcane miscreants:  

D66 Things in a Wizard's Tower

"The Tower" by Ian Miller

11: Basket of 1st level spell scrolls used for fireplace tinder
12: Apprentice, smoldering, eyebrows scorched off, haunted look
13: TI-84 pocket calculator
14: Animated housewares, currently on strike
15: Bundles of expended wands
16: Uranium 235, probably not properly contained
21: Fairy choir in iron cage used as musical doorbell
22: Frozen caveman
23: Apprentice, inside-out
24: Jars of powdered gems
25: Taxidermied basilisk for practical jokes
26: Mirror showing pocket dimension
31: Clone of self, speaks in reverse
32: Drugs. Lots of drugs.
33: Uplifted ape valet
34: Orrery, not of the local solar system
35: Wall of pointy hats
36: Lighting in a jar
41: Elaborate absinthe distilling equipment
42: Imp on a leash
43: Sandbox containing microscopic civilization that worships them as a god
44: Deck of Many Things, marked
45: Discarded pile of scorched armor and magic swords
46: Star charts and telescope, tomorrow's horoscope
51: 9mm Luger pistol
52: Failed experiment: Rope with One End
53: Scrolls with typos (Sheep, Protection From Emil, Floating Dick, Contusion)
54: Mechanical parrot that records 30 second long messages after cheep
55: Time traveler, just chilling
56: Sentient meteorite
61: Demon in French maid outfit
62: Magic mushroom grow-op
63: Apprentice, trapped in amber
64: Book of card tricks
65: Apprentice, DNA merged with fly
66: Comfy slippers

"I wanna show you a trick Mother showed me when you
weren't around to use on special occasions like this."

Download the whole mess here

Saturday, April 13, 2024

D66 Warriors and their Quirks

Time for another D66 list - Warriors to encounter, whether on the road, the battlefield, or the tavern. I think it took me longer to pick names than come up with the archetypes. Names are somewhat relevant to the particular warrior's kit, and male/female options are provided, with a couple of exceptions ;) 


D66 Warriors

11 Alexios/Philyra: Bronze panoply, xiphos, spear
12 Klaas/Gerhild: Mismatched plate, horse, lance
13 Ciniath/Modwen: Naked, painted blue, oval shield, broadsword
14 Skauvalf/Briendeg: Chainmail briefs/bikini, ancestor's sword
15 Reinier/Polonia: Fabulous hair, rapier, ruffled shirt, mirror
16 Titus/Volusenna: Lorica segmentata, gladius, horsehair plumed helmet
21 Melchior/Delia: Heavy crossbow, kettle helm, pavise, shieldbearer
22 Delwin/Rhian: Longbow, rondel dagger, bag of looted silverware
23 Yargai/Sokhatai: Shaggy pony, composite bow, fur hat
24 EN-247/EN-248: NBC-resistant powered armor, phased plasma rifle, 40-watt range
25 Ferdinand/Rosalinde: Zweihander, steel cuirass, hat with impressive plume
26 Vocorix/Sigesinda: Falx, lye-bleached hair, carnyx
31 Ciriacu/Artemisa: Murmillo armor, spatha, rudis
32 Thorbjorn/Ulfheid: Daneaxe, horned helmet, chainmail, braids
33 Vithimiris/Malasintha: Skull-faced helm, black spiky plate, serrated longsword
34 Galeran/Rousalie: Pot helm, tabard w/ holy symbol, mace
35 Caiden/Matilda: Kilt, claymore, buckler, bagpipes
36 Zelotes/Sofija: Straw hat, sling, bag of lead shot, tunic
41 Hrafnvartr/Skogrdrifa: Bearskin, round shield with toothmarks, axe, magic mushrooms
42 Iobates/Kastalia: Wicker shield, javelins, Phrygian cap
43 Ovechkin: Giant maul, equally large mustache
44 Balthasar/Nastaran: Scale mail, spear, Thracian helm
45 Tlexicmac/Xihuipin: Padded tlahuiztli suit, macuahuitl, jaguar headdress, death whistle
46 Krukk/Vura: Fire-hardened spear, skins, bear tooth necklace
51 Kagawa/Uesugi: Lamellar armor, goblin-face helmet, katana
52 Thoth-hotep/Hent-kherpu: Chariot, kopis, recurve bow, cool gold and lapis necklace
53 Mnqobi/Nozizwe: Oval shield, thrusting spear, leopard-skin cape
54 Alessio/Ginevra: Halberd, motley, lobsterback helm
55 Mahesh/Chandrika: Robes, iron-bound staff, book of koans
56 Cragark/Ordava: Club, alligator-skin breechclout, flint knife
61 Ambaxius/Vrogenia: Plaid trousers, wooden shield, two spears, gold torq
62 Reinhold/Ludwina: Pair of swords, boiled leather cuirass, domino mask, cape
63 Vojavona: Blowgun, penis gourd, frog venom
64 Otaktay/Chlumani: Leather breechclout, selfbow, spiked club, eagle feather
65 Hamakona/Makutu: Face tattoos, club, skirt
66 Guillaume/Seinfrie: Chainmail hauberk, nasal helm, kite shield, spear

Friday, April 12, 2024

Campaign Journal: Back To Neuforde, and Slight Detours

 The night's party:

  • Frederick
  • Rondel
  • Slick
  • Fulvus
  • Jax
And away we go! The party passed through a couple of towns, spending the night in Alaric, a town of about 250 people. The party laid up in the inn (The Brass Lord) with no issues, however, they found that one of their pack horses had been poisoned in the morning, requiring a replacement. Odd.

They continued south. While taking a break for lunch, hench Roderick wandered off to relieve himself and discovered a barrow by falling into it. Thankfully, Tim Shorts had put that barrow there. After rescuing and healing poor Roderick, the party squeezed into the cramped barrow to explore. Rondel determined that nothing alive was down there to harm them. They puzzled at the pair of clay crow statues in the corridors, one of which had a tapping/scratching noise. For the moment, they avoided them, and Fulvus squeezed by one to enter a tomb. He found himself whisked away to face this thing:

...who clearly wanted payment of some kind. Fulvus offered it some gold coin, which it rejected. About that time, Slick was invisibly whisked in, as well. In spite of his magic ring, the thing seemed to sense him, and was doubly disappointed that he didn't have the correct toll. So of course they fought. Thankfully, both of our 'heroes' were able to do the thing in, without any harm, finding themselves back in the original chamber. At least they found some jars with some odd coins, a bracelet, and a roll of parchment with fortification descriptions dating back to the prior wars in the area. 

Friday, April 5, 2024

They Met At a Tavern: Deathbringer One-Shot

 It's been a while since I ran a Meetup one-shot at the brewery. After all, my original series of one-shots morphed into a campaign, and I ceased the pickup games. But, I've been itching to both run games for strangers, as well as play a few other games on my shelves. So I posted up for a Deathbringer one-shot, and picked a few possible brief adventures from the files.

I ended up with four players: Elijah, Roy, Mark, and Alex. Elijah, Roy, and Mark had gamed together before. None had played the system before, although Elijah was a follower of Professor Dungeonmaster. I distributed the rules and character sheets, and did a quick run-through of chargen and the five player options. There was some negotiation on what characters everyone wanted to play, and we ended up with:

  • Artemis, Scoundrel
  • Vandal, Grimscribe
  • Blog, Deathbringer
  • "Johnathan," Plague Doctor

I had a few options to run, and picked "Requiem for Atticus Stumps," by Tim Shorts. Tim's dark and grotty Komor Forest fits with the esthetic of Deathbringer, and "Requiem" has flexibility to explore multiple small locations depending on playable time.

The gist is that the adventurers are asked by a pair of elderly locals to collect a "death coin" from a local barrow to inter with their old friend to help his soul's journey onward. And since the party consisted of two out-of-work ratcatchers, a ne'er-do-well with gambling debts, and a former militia medic with a bad healing track record, of course they said yes. Especially with the offer of being able to share in the funeral buffet.

Oh fun. I'm dropping them into barrows without a Witchfinder. Let's see how this goes...

Friday, March 29, 2024

Five Visits to the Temperance Stone

Another "four scenario" project that became five scenarios... Dyson threw out this five-room dungeon some time ago, and it lived in my map repository until I needed a fun project. 


Again, it was meant to be a "four scenario" exercise, but I had a few spare area descriptions that made it an even five (not the first time this has happened). The rooms are described in a brief, tabular format without much elaboration. This is meant to be a location to be stumbled upon, or as a couple of the scenarios imply, perhaps a location where the party can visit to be granted healing or other gifts. And, of course, a couple are just nasty. Enjoy:) 

Download Me Here

A note on the art. The standing stone drawings in the document are by Scottish archeologist and naturalist Frederick Coles. As part of his position at the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland, Coles received support to survey and measure standing stone locations throughout Scotland. Through his career in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, he created one of the first catalogues of standing stone circles in the country. 

The bio notes that Coles would take his children along on these trips after his wife's death and would utilize them as field assistants. I'd just like to highlight this photograph of Coles and four of his children on one of his survey trips:

Based on the posture and expression of the young lady in the forefront, it's comforting to know that teen boredom and disdain has endured throughout the ages. "Daaaaddd! We go measure your stupid rocks every summer! Can't we go somewhere fun for a change?"

Anyway, have an enjoyable Easter weekend, for those celebrating the holiday. Looks to be a pleasant weekend here - hope to move around outside in one manner or another.

Also will be running a Deathbringer one-shot through Meetup this week, so printing out copies of the rules and figuring out which hole to send the erstwhile adventurers down. The usual campaign game will fire up again after the holiday. I'm sure that it will be a peaceful, uneventful session... ;)

Saturday, March 23, 2024

RPG Blog Carnival: Feasts, Foods and Fancy Drinks, oh my!

Crap. It's been literal years since I've contributed to one of these. 

VDonnut Valley is hosting this month's soirée, themed Feasts, Foods and Fancy Drinks, oh my! Well, I can work with a prompt like that. Perhaps from a slightly different angle.

After all, part of being a good host is sometimes being flexible to your guests' dietary restrictions and perhaps preparing a special meal for an honored "foreign" guest...



The tremoring acolyte stirred the vile concoction. His eyes darted to the poor sod he'd just replaced, still spasming on the floor. Clearly, sampling the offertory meal had not agreed with him.

“Add the next ingredient, worm!” commanded the hooded priest. Taking a shaking hand, the acolyte opened the stained crockery. His eyes watered even more as the acrid, metallic fumes emerged from the crockery as he poured the toxic mixture into the boiling pot.

“Taste the offering. Perhaps you are more worthy to serve His Glory than your predecessor!” A spear butt in his ribs encouraged the acolyte further.

The acolyte glanced at his fellow initiate, now still. With shaking hand and tears in his eyes, he took a spoon to taste the bubbling amalgamation.

Somewhere, in the shadows beyond the priest, a shape began to unfold from space. Slavering jaws emerged as the entity from beyond took in the first, deep, delicious scent of the offering meal...

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Campaign Journal: Gundala Interlude

Who's here?

  • Fulvus
  • Rondel
  • Slick
  • Jax
  • Orzu

The scene opens with the party standing before the town gate of Gundala, bloodied and dirty. The town guards oscillate between concerned and suspicious. When the party explains their recent encounter, the guards send for a sergeant, then the town head. 

Aldred, priest and town leader, shows up, looks at the party, confirms their story, and immediately commands a patrol to take wagons and recover the bodies (Fred missed session, so we assume he guided the recovery patrol).

Aldred brought the party into town, pointed them to the inn, and told them to rest up. She had also dealt with adiventurers before, and told them to keep any carousing to a minimum.

(Narrator – they did not keep carousing to a minimum)

Slick blew a lot of coin and got a “bit of a rash.” Rondel managed to avoid any complications. And Orzu hired a halfling bard of middling talent but great enthusiasm to sing the party's praises. He also may have gotten involved with a local cult. (I forgot that I had my own cult generator posted up, so he'll have to await his cult identity until his … memory clears... yeah...)

The following morning, Slick crept off to the temple for a bit of “penance.” He parted with a bit more coin, but at least it doesn't burn when he pees.

The party was summoned to Aldred's offices to recount their story again, and got a sense of the priest's attitude toward Acroria and its leadership. Aldred understood that Acroria's council was concerned for their domain, but seemed to be at odds with many of the settlements in giving aid. Regarding the Chaos mutants, patrols had encountered a few, but this was the most significant number encountered, for sure. Aldred did have word of a couple of towns on the West Trade Road being raided, with people killed or abducted, as well as people missing from farmsteads and the like. This was concerning, as Chaos appeared to be on the move, and making probes deeper into the piedmont than simply along the margins of the wilderness.

That said, she felt that the party had done a service, and welcomed them to rest and heal. Feel free to visit the temple for healing, no charge (Slick grimaces). She planned to write a report for Acroria to read.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

D66 Weird Goblins, an Expansion

Another day, another D66 list. Actually, this one isn't out of whole cloth, but is an expansion of another list I did a few years back and recently rediscovered. There, I'd made up a list of 18 (or "36" d66) oddball goblins in response to someone's Santicore request. 

These guys...

Better fill that list out to the current standard:

D66 Gonzo Goblins

by John D Batten

11. Dervish Quibbles: Dancing fools. +1 to morale checks for chaos-forces in the immediate area. Save or become mesmerized by their dance. The rat-skin kilts and scalp tutus are a nice touch.

12. Necro-prosthetic Qols: Equipped with up to six extra undead limbs sutured on. These limbs may or may not be goblin, or even humanoid. They gain one additional attack per grasping limb (strikes at -2, -1 damage).

13. Immolative Booms: Injected with alchemical solvents, these suicide-troopers fling themselves into battle as they burst into flame, 10’ radius damage.

1. Blue – cold flame – 1d6+1 freezing damage to anyone within range.
2. Yellow – 1d6 damage, cannot be dowsed with water.  Water causes the flames to scatter and spatter.  Those set aflame may only smother the flames (taking 1d4 damage for an additional 1d3 rounds).
3. Red – sucks all oxygen out of air – 1d6 suffocation damage/round, all flame sources extinguished.
4. Green – 1d6 damage, any metal gear worn or carried corrodes.

14. Fungal-blooming Nurgles: Shroom-infested shambling wastrels. 25% chance of being a hive-mind capable of coordinated action. Spore clouds released by melee will cause anyone killed in battle to rise as a fungal zombie.

15. Accretionary Fibbits: Meld together by running headlong into one another. They will merge until they are a large, sticky ball of limbs and teeth. Unwieldy, they roll into a fray, causing crushing and abrading damage (1d4 per two goblin-bodies accreted). 

16. Luminescent Fleens: Glow with sickly yellow or green pulsing lights, half the range of a torch. A skewered goblin will provide light for 2d6 turns before dissolving into a puddle of dimming goo.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

D66 Cult Creeds and Credos

Another D66 list? What sorcery is this? Or perhaps it's some ineffable power granted by those nice young men and their convincing pamphlets who visited the house last week...

D66 Cult Creeds and Credos

Harry Clarke
Mephistopheles: "Come - she is judged!" Art for Goethe's Faust, 1927

11: Comet: The wandering ones bring portents and harbingers to those who watch.
12: Mathematics: Through logic and geometry we will discern the truth.
13: Old Gods: Those who are forgotten are andescedent in their wisdom.
14: Star Signs: The rotation of the heavens are windows into that which is to occur.
15: The Tree: Roots reach down while branches reach high, drawing the elements together.
16: Birds: By flight does the body escape the toil and pain of the ground.
21: Dragon: By their ineffable age, they hoard not just gold but wisdom.
22: Giant Stones: Placed by forgotten men and forgotten methods, we worship their strength.
23: Burrowing Creatures: Under the earth we will they find the truth if we can just hear the words.
24: Ascetics: For through self denial is enlightenment.
25: Naked: Exposed and unprotected from the world do we find wisdom.
26: Gluttony: You never know how much is enough until you understand how much is too much.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Zelkor's Ferry, Reimagined

Ok, I don't have a copy of the Rappun Athuk megadungeon, so I don't know who lives in the settlement of Zelkor's Ferry. But I found Paths Peculiars' redrawing of the town map on his blog while I was trolling about for some town and building maps. I don't know who the residents are, except for a few names on the map legend, and one can often find a place for one more small huddle of buildings in their hex campaign. 

 So without any other embellishment, here's who I think lives there. More later....