Who woke up at the Crossed Arms Inn by the southern gate of Chirath?
- Frederick - thief
- Slick - more thief
- Orzu - gnome
- Jax - barbarian
The party made their way north through the city via its main thoroughfare. They passed mercantile, craftsfolk, other inns and taverns. Wild-eyed street preachers spewed fire and brimstone sermons. Some attracted crowds, some were ignored. Caravaneers passed, either preparing for winter camp, or for a final haul for the season.
Our heroes doglegged through the temple district to one of the commercial docks. Frederick asked the harbormaster about potential passage to the Smoking Isles and the stronghold of the Sea Dwarves. He was rebuffed, as the dwarves had recently taken a grain ship. But you might want to ask at the north docks. Maybe one of the packets there would be foolhardy enough to take you.
Continuing to the northern extent of the city, the party found the dock. Fishermen unloaded their catches, and coastal traders took cargo. The party spotted, or smelled, "Eddy's Fresh Fish." The proprietor and his crew were cutting up a rather large, and unidentifiable fish and discussing on whether to put it in the "Miscellaneous" or "Exotic" crate.
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Circling through the adjoining alleyway, the gang found the Hidden Hand, a somewhat ramshackle tavern. A couple of inebriated sailors stumbled out, and Slick relieved them of their coin purses.
All of the dark corners were already occupied, so most of the party just sat with their backs to the wall. Frederick asked the barkeep (a doughty woman who looked like she doubled as bouncer) after certain contacts, and was met with a blank look.
Unconcerned, he returned to the table. A limping, stuttering young woman took their orders and tottered off into the back. Slick felt something at his belt, and caught an urchin trying to lift his purse. "Gotta work on your craft, kid." "Caleb! Get out of here! You know no messing with the customers!"
Another drink and some nibbles were delivered. Frederick found a glyph on parchment stuck to the bottom of his mug. Throwing signs at the limping help, she responded. "Go to the back room. There's a sliding panel behind the cask. The boss will meet you there." (stuttered, of course)
The party surreptitiously made their way back, one at a time. Down the steps to confront the Mysterious Hooded Figure (tm). Who, of course, was Stuttering Woman (in a Keyser Soze turn), the true proprietor of the joint, Solange Fiorentino. She welcomed them to the City, and asked after the sneaky folks in the group (Fred and Slick). They paid a "Union Dues" to operate within the city, and were warned not to steal from their comrades, interfere in other heists, or act openly and bring down the heat. In general, be good neighbors. The party told briefly of their quest, and asked about potential passage to the Smoking Isles. Also, might there be any jobs that locals wouldn't care to take? And any jeweler with a good stock of raw gems? No reason... Solange said she'd make inquiries. She also gave the crew the passcode to access the Hidden Hand via the fishmonger's shop ("Is the mackerel fresh?").
As they were leaving the tavern, a ship's captain burst in - "The bounty's been spotted! I need throwers!" Curious, the gang asked what was up. Aquatic hydra had been making a nuisance of themselves among the fishing fleet, and a bounty had been posted. For some reason, the hydra had recently appeared from farther north along the coast. Apparently, some members of the party hadn't successfully made all of the hydra eggs into omelets. Sure, why not, let's go sailing.
Everyone loaded onto Captain Albergati's fishing caravel, The Wolverine. Well, except Torvald, who didn't want his plate to rust, or sink him to the depths.
They cast off, crew heaving sails. Captain Albergati showed off a new feature, a scorpion, mounted near the prow of the ship. Jax tested its operation, as Fred and Slick practiced throwing harpoons.
(Some time passes)
The crow's nest spotter called out that a wake was visible, likely the beast. The ship turned to chase the creature. As they approached, six heads reared. Jax fired the scorpion, but the shot went wide. Fred and Slick fired bows, with little effect. Orzu climbed to the crow's nest, under the logic that it was farthest from the water, therefore safest.
The chase was on! Orzu attempted to turn the hydra with an illusion, but the beast was unaffected. The ship heeled to, and another shot from the scorpion hit the beast. The shot was true, and deep enough that a line was now attached to the hydra, slowing it. The scorpion and a couple more long bowshots took down two heads. The beast wheeled on the ship. Fortunately, another illusion from Orzu stunned the beast for a moment, slowing its attack.
Rolling close, it caught one sailor, and bit Jax. Fred and Slick, now close, hurled harpoons with some effect. More heads slain, and one blinded by Orzu. Fed up with this abuse, the hydra turned, ripping out the harpoon. Much slowed, it attempted to flee. The ship dropped its boat, and Fred, Slick, and a number of sailors rowed like hell after the much diminished beast. A few more throws, plus Fred getting knocked overboard by the dying beast, and the hydra was lashed to the side of the ship to be towed back to port.
Arriving in port with the slain nuisance, the harbormaster paid a bounty of 500gp. Captain Albergati split the bounty with the party. A spontaneous street party erupted, as happens when a ship drags in a big dead thing...
Slick gambled away his share of the winnings. Orzu recruited one of the food vendors (also a failed mage) to join the crew as a cook. Jax was invited by Akreos, the CEO of the local arena, the "Bear Garden," to fight in a matinee exhibition match. Slick, acting as agent, negotiated her take of the gate fees, and sealed the deal with a trade for Akreos' very fancy hat.
The next day, the party arose, breakfasted off their hangovers, and headed to the Bear Garden to check out the venue. Slick invisibled himself and did a bit of reconnoitering regarding potential foes. Gladiators were seen training, and the beast cages contained a bear, an ogre, a one-eyed basilisk, and a pair of ... something.
Providing this intelligence, it was judged that Jax should increase her odds with a dose of "Instant Rage" (tm) provided by Hugo the alchemist. Of course, Akreos warned the PCs that no magic or other aids were allowed. Slick palmed the potion and slipped it into Jax's belt.
Off to the matches. The rest of the party took their box seats, accompanied by Raggi and his daughter Hilda, who adored Jax. And what better family entertainment than an afternoon of death and mayhem?
Jax warmed up with a couple of other fighters. The first, Thelos, sallied out to meet the bear, defeating it easily. The second, Helmann... well, let's say that the Bear Garden now has a new statue by the front gate.
Jax's (and Goober's) turn, as Akreos announced the rugged warrior from faraway lands (warrior of the wasteland, ayatollah of rock and rolla, etc.) vs... "The Mysteries!"
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Oh crap. And there were two of them.
Let's dance.
Jax took a hit of Instant Rage (temp hp and to-hit bonus), and strode forward. Blows exchanged, and the mutants dug their claws into Jax. Goober pulled one off. Jax's dice, unfortunately, continued to suck. But Goober crits. That's why we keep the dog around. Goober took one down, while taking damage himself. Jax and the other mutie traded blows and the hp counted down... and down.
5hp left, and Jax finally beheads the thing. The crowd goes wild.
Raggi tells Hilda, "Don't tell your mother about this."
DM Notes:
Damn, I write long-winded play reports. Kudos to anyone who soldiered through this one. But I have been accused of having 'failed novelist syndrome' by a prominent reviewer...
What else? One of my players and I were discussing open rolls before the session. He runs/plays in another group that has rotating gamerunners. One of the players is a blatant dice-cheat. Their table has incorporated an open/witnessed roll rule in response to Mr. Cheaty. Plus more petty revenge, like hitting the player's PC with a level drain... Anyway. I roll in the open, except for occasions where the players can't know the results (certain thief skills, for instance). Be honest with your rolls. It ups the value of the game and experience.
Such as when your barbarian can't roll for shit and is getting whittled down by two mutant gnoll-things. In front of an arena of spectators. I'm not sure how many times Jax has been in single-digit hit points during her career. I was getting a bit concerned. And no one wants to lose the dog, speaking of risking a table rebellion. But it made for a dramatic ending to the session as the bloodied warrior and wardog strode out of the arena. Perhaps with another head to display in Fulvus' brewery.
Also, it was fun to pull a callback to a way-long-ago session with the hydra. The session took place just before we coalesced into a campaign, but three of the characters (Jax, Frederick, and Fulvus) took part in the hunt for the serpent cultists and their god-hydra.
And, the hydra hunt and arena show were good mechanisms to let folks know that there were some new adventurers in town for future episodes.
"Gotta work on your craft, kid". Great line.
ReplyDeleteHa yes, don't try to steal from a thief...