Tuesday, July 16, 2024

D66 Unusual Undead

Undead are the bread and butter (and bones and banes) of dungeon spaces. But they get a bit mundane after the umpteenth zombie slain or turned. So, have some random alternatives via the magic D66 table. Some have stated abilities, some are just goofy. And yes, the first d6 value roughly aligns with the hit die. 

The Vampire, by Philip Buren-Jones

D66 Unusual Undead

11: Skeleton, rubbery bones, half damage from anything
12: Skeleton, just the bottom half, keeps bumping into things
13: Skeleton, explodes on destruction, shrapnel damage, 1d6, 10’ radius
14: Skeleton, extra loud and clattery
15: Skeleton, comprised of mismatched parts
16: Skeleton, reassembles after 1d3 turns
21: Zombie, infectious, anyone killed rises as zombie in 1d2 turns
22: Zombie, choreographed dances
23: Zombie, 1d3 extra mouths
24: Zombie, filled with worms and rot grubs
25: Zombie, brains! Acquires memories and spells of victim
26: Zombie, gas-filled, 1in6 chance of releasing poison gas with each damaging blow
31: Ghoul, epicurean, picky
32: Ghoul, surrounded by a disorienting cloud of flies and biting insects (as swarm)
33: Ghoul, swap paralysis for poison (2d4 dmg, save for half)
34: Ghoul, spider-ghoul, spider-ghoul, does whatever a spider thinks is cool...
35: Ghoul, displacing, blurred
36: Ghoul, singing, poet, all drama and rotted capes
41: Wraith, trailing a cloak of darkness
42: Wraith, drains CON
43: Wraith, drains bank account
44: Wraith, fear effect (save or flee 1d4 rounds)
45: Wraith, cold, freezing effect (save or slowed, 1d4 rounds)
46: Wraith, giant, looming (2xHD, increase damage die by one)
51: Mummy, curse-obsessed, creative
52: Mummy, just beetles in wrapping
53: Mummy, just the wrapping
54: Mummy, bored, mostly just wants to give tomb tours
55: Mummy, disorienting effect, intruders lost in sepulchral mazes
56: Mummy, random wrappings: flags, dishtowels, toilet paper, caution tape
61: Vampire, just a bat in a cloak
62: Vampire, bursts into a cloud of canaries
63: Vampire, vegetarian, referred to as a “sapsucker” by their peers
64: Vampire, surrounded by bright lights and shiny things, lots of pink
65: Vampire, speech impediment, wears retainer
66: Vampire, commands vast network of feral cats

The dance of death: Death finds an author writing his life.
Color lithograph by Edward Hull