"Yeahgg! Get these beasts off me!"
"Down, dogs... Hey, they can't help it if you're eye to eye with a greyhound. Besides, you look like a chew toy.
"How's things?"
"Not bad, although I lost some coin at the fighting pit. Tarim got his dome rocked."
"Wow, that's a surprise. Bit off more than he could chew?"
"You don't know the half of it. You got any more of that amyonaise stuff?"
"Mayonnaise? Yeah, there's a squeeze bottle in the fridge."
"No way! This is the best! Shots!"
"Oh god..."
With Columbo's interpersonal skills in full force, we decided to boogie it over to the Adventurer's Guild, to stash the mithril, as well as see what options there may be for legal representation, just in case...
The last day of the Festival of Serath was in full force, with citizens bringing offerings to be burned in a hollow man, as well as offerings to help keep the oil burning in the temple, as it were... Tarim, always the curious sort, wandered over to check on the procedings, or perhaps start a holy war. Either/or. Sure enough, he got caught up in some disagreement with an acolyte while trying to "help" some fellow whose offering wasn't deemed suitable. Then ended up punching said fellow in the nose. I don't understand these barbarian religious traditions.
Columbo and I hastened to the Guild while Tarim wandered off to buy yet another suit of armor. We were able to secure Columbo's mitril in a hopefully dwarf-proof lockbox. Back to the armorer, where Tarim was getting upsold on a "membership" where he'd get first dibs on paying extra for armor with fancy bits. His coin... Columbo dropped of his masterwork armor, showing significant wear and tear from undead giant fighting. The repair lead time was several days, so he picked up some commoner's armor to slum it in the meantime.
That done, Tarim and I took the side streets back to Godfrey's place (our fixer). But he was distracted by the sounds of the fighting pits... Of course he signed up in the open category. This should be fun.
Columbo and I went to find Godfrey, and confide that we were not able to find his wife, nor deal with the Cardmaster. If he was really the foe we needed to be dealing with... Poor guy was distraught, and about to do something dumb, so Columbo accompanied him to the Guild of Arcane Lore, to see if anyone had sussed out any more qualities on the cards.
Back to the arena. I bought some larks' tongues, wrens' livers and chaffinch brains and settled in. Sure enough, Tarim drew some scrawny kid named Edd for his bout, and got the crowd chanting "EDD IS DEAD!" Well, pretty much. Tarim whacked the kid with the flat of his axe blade hard enough that his mother felt it. Full of piss and vinegar, he took another match. Another scrawny kid. A redheaded girl named Annie. Um beating kids isn't a good look, Tarim. I hid my "Doomsinger" foam finger. He dropped his axe and squared up, Queensbury rules.
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She popped him with a magic missile. Ok, it's that kind of fight. He retrieved his axe. And whacked her. And the axe whacked him back, sending him reeling. She casually missiled him again, sending him to the infirmary. It was Little Arcane Annie's turn to take the crowd's accolades.
I waited for Tarim to get cured enough to walk on his own two feet, said "there-there," and took him to a tavern, where we met Columbo and Godfrey.
Back to our flop above Godfrey's place. Columbo must have mixed his drinks too much, 'cause he had more dreams with that Osten character, learned more about his frog ring, and said he got a magical steed that looked like the cross between a serpent and a leopard.
I'll have whatever he's having.
Session's here, for anyone who wants to experience the chaos.
Another good session of general open-ended exploration and misbehavior. We're fortunate that Tim has built this city through multiple campaigns, and has a depth of lore to refer to. As well as a sufficient list of NPCs, including unassuming looking little girls, to keep our PCs interested. It's definitely beneficial for play to have both setpiece elements, and enough cushion to allow the PCs to simply interact with the world. Something that I need to build out for my own game-running.
As per usual, we spent the first bit of the lifestream kibbitzing. If you're looking for a stream that runs like a 'real' game, that's us. But we brought in the conversation on how much prep we do for our games and sessions. As I mentiong, Tim has quite a bit of depth. Some plot points, but enough resources or general skills to let the players run with it. Joe writes his novels between sessions, apparently. And gets a bit pissy if we wander off somewhere else. Although he can always drop it in anothe campaign, or just Quantum Ogre it in front of us. I plan a session ahead. At most. I'll write up a bit of a 'how I prep' entry another time. I still think of myself as really raw in my gamerunning, and have a lot of room to make a better game, but what I've done has worked, and I want to share a bit more of the pros and cons.
And Tarim has a ways to go before people are buying swag at the arena, ala Jax's replica mohawks.
Speaking of which, I haven't shared Paul's post-session videos, which is an oversight on my part. He shares some good insight from his view as a player/character, as well as his own opinion on how the game's going: Here Ya Go
Greyhound tax:
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Live action during game session |
Ha great write up. Experience granted.