Saturday, January 11, 2025

D66 Dungeons Deux

Not content to make up one random list, I came up with a second last night and this morning. That's right folks, two lists, two days! That's the type of grind that my dozen readers are eagerly awaiting. 


Another three-column list, with 'theme/setting," "goal/objective," and "occupants/big bad." "Settings" on this one are more of the "everything is a dungeon" concept for adventure-building. And the "occupants" list includes a few of my favorites to foist upon players, for anyone who's read my actual-play reports...

The two lists may be used separately, in concert, or as mix-and match to one's heart's content (prior one here). There is some overlap between column contents in both yesterday's list and today's, as certain elements cross boundaries (Who noted "giant" in all three columns yesterday?). 


Ok Paul, here's more to confound you.

Download me here



  1. I'm gonna use this. When you read that sentence imagine me sing song saying it.

    1. Ha, especially if you're doing it in a creepy horror movie little girl voice...
