Full house this session:
- Jax
- Frederick
- Slick
- Fulvus
- Rondel
- Orzu
Time to get going... The party started in Chirath, refitting the ship and taking care of some business.
First of all, off to the Temple of Garond. Henry See made some tithes, and the party spoke with the priests about restoring Roderick's twisted arms. The miracles required to heal such a terrible injury were beyond the powers of the local priests, but their brethren in Athenard had capabilities to make Roderick whole again. The party made a significant gift to the church, and the priests took Roderick in their care.
Kimbu, their ship's navigator, announced that he needed to return to his original post with The Wolverine. He agreed to help the party find a suitable replacement, although he admitted pickings might be slim at this time of the year. Fulvus, Jax, and Orzu accompanied him on a survey of waterfront dives and flops, finding three suitable candidates. After an exhaustive interview process, and not a few tall tales told by said candidates, they selected Kiliwick, a competent gentleman with a pet falcon and a bit of derring-do.
In the meantime, Slick and Frederick went to catch up with their colleague Solange at The Hidden Hand. She didn't have any work or need of "outside contractors," but caught them up on a bit of local gossip, affirming that a few towns up north had been found depopulated, and that ships were spotting odd lights out in the inland sea.
Hey, didn't we leave a bunch of our hirelings here?
Oh yeah, let's see if anyone is still around. Well, Golman the drover, Merla the cook, and Murdar the dwarf were still around. The rest had taken their leave (with the horses, as well). The three were willing to hire back on. Murdar was working the door at a waterfront gin joint, and was happy to leave without posting notice. He brought along his coworker, Burgax.
Jax stopped by the Bear Garden and asked Akreos if there was an opening on the schedule. Sure enough, one of the fighters had taken sick, and Jax stepped into the ring to fight a giant scorpion (de-stingered). A couple of blue mohawks were spotted in the crowd. She and Goober put on a good show (It was children's matinee, after all) and got a pouch of gold for their efforts.