Monday, February 17, 2025

Shadowdark: Bloggah's Blog #19: Urban Renewal

Get off the top of the fridge!

Hey, why do you keep all the good snacks way up here? I'm starving!

Those are the dog treats!

Whatever. Pigs ear! And bully sticks! No way! You've been holding out on me!


... We catch our breaths. Someone finds a healing potion and we split it between Dremont and me. I'm feeling like half the goblin I used to be.

The fog is crawling through the streets. We hear people calling for help - Columbo thinks he hears Godfrey's wife. She's been missing since the fog happened the first time (this time? Last time? This time travel stuff is confusing). Down into the foggy streets and alleys we go, because that's smart. Tarim calls for Serath's aid, and on cue, a Meridon of the Temple of Serath emerges from the fog, one-shotting demons and being a bit full of himself.

Fine, let's go. We step into the fog and I feel it burning and weakening me. Just another day.

Columbo hears Mrs. Godfrey off in the mist and trundles off. Some tentacle demon lurches out of a well to grab him. He pulls loose, chopping at tentacles. Fine. I'll help. Zap. 

let's see if this gets me flagged.

Mr. Meridon gets grabbed by a second demon and Tarim, wanting to make a good impression, sidles over to help.

More hot tentacle action, as the boys swipe at things. I stay out of the way, choking in the foul mist. Damnit, I'm in the middle of a Viking Party. The Meridon yanks me back to life and accuses me of slacking.

The boys escape from tentacles, are caught again. I'll just sit over here and catch my breath if you don't mind. 

Ooo, this time it's three women with a spinning wheel, measure, and scissors. Hi ladies.

Oh, hey Dremont. I'm back again, apparently.

Columbo has Mrs. Godfrey and is waddling back with her. Tarim has been fighting with his axe handle and tries to grab Columbo's silvered sword. They get tangled up. You're embarrassing us, guys.

Oh, and a flaming skull is chasing Columbo. 


They make their escape as Tarim finally kills the demon. The Meridon nods and heads off into the fog, killing the flaming skull as he passes by. Dremont and I make our escape in the opposite direction.

We regroup at our tenement as the fog moves farther into the city. Farther than it went last time. This time. Next time? Damn time travel.

We find Godfrey, he's still amnesiac from the memory wraith or whatever. So we take him and the missus to the Temple of Possimius to see if the resident trash pandas can heal him. We meet Robert there, apparently for the first time. We try to puzzle out the time shifts. 

Tarim heads over to the Temple of Serath, where he was training under the Meridons. Of course, they don't recognize him, either. But they shrug their zealous shoulders and let him in.

Columbo thinks that his using the card to regroup us twisted things up a bit. You don't say. I forget to mention that Dremont and I were messing with magic candles and sundials, as well. Ahem...

Well, let's see if we have anything left at the bank, the Adventurers' Guild, that is.

I'm lagging behind, still feeling the effects of EVERYTHING... I bump into a hooded figure, sorry about that. They greet me by name. I'm sorry, do I know you? Probably someone I meet yestermorrow.

He pulls his cowl back. An Ash Elf. I am Vorlan, the Card Master. Oh yeah. Sorry about that misunderstanding last time. No worries, you did what you thought right.

Where are you supposed to be? I'm not sure. Dremont and I thought we fixed time, and now things still seem skewed. And maybe we are in a different timeline now? We are trying to figure it out, I guess.

The rest of the party walks on, not acknowledging my conversation or Vorlan.

Vorlan considers for a moment. And pulls a card, because of course he does. Here, this is for you. Use it with great care - an Oblivion card. It will eliminate one person's memory, across all times, universes.

endgame, indeed

I tuck it away carefully. The Ash Elf walks off...

At the Adventurers Guild, we check our lockboxes. No mithril coins. Just some spare gear. Because of course the universe leaves us broke. Well, at least I have a few things I picked up while Dremont and I were out and about.

The place seems pretty quiet. We ask the guard what's up. Says that everyone if off to the Harrowing District, sounds like some tunnels have been found and there are rumors of mithril. Yeah. I know who's mithril...

With that, a warrior stumbles into the Guild - "They're all dead..."

Here we go again...


And with that, we closed for the night. At least Bloggah leveled. He's sitting at one hp, but did get a couple of intelligence-gathering spells - arcane eye and divination. By random roll, of course. He's ready to throw down.

Not sure what to do with the card. Hopefully a purpose will present itself as we continue to sort things out over the next few sessions. I'm sure everything will be hunky-dory...

Suffer through our suffering here:

No game tonight, with the three-day weekend. Shenanigans resume next week...

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