Sunday, February 2, 2025

Shadowdark - Bloggah's Blog #17: The Band Still Hasn't Gotten Back Together Again

Well, you look in a slightly better mood...

Got the days re-set, I think. Forest seems less uptight. But my student done got blowed up.

Sorry to hear. That happens.

You blew up a student, too?

No, can't say that I have.

Can I have these rations?

Those are dog treats. Whatever, go ahead...


We stand there, watching what's left of Milos dissolve in the light. I lose more interns that way (OK, well, just this one). 

Whatcha want to do, Dremont? Well, we're in the neighborhood. Might as well go find that relic hammer.

We know it's to the north, past some marshes, so a-slogging we go. At least the marshes may be frozen...

Crossing the marsh, we find a batch of abandoned huts, flooded by the marsh. Dremont notices something in the ice of the march. 

Alligator nose.


Well, at least we won't have to contend with them. Dremont resists the urge to pick a nose.

Near nightfall, and we stumble on an old low stone wall. It looks in good shape, even for its age. It seems to be surrounding something, but we don't see a gate. So we hop over. Nothing could go wrong with a little trespassing. Standing in the middle of the enclosure is a big ol' menhir.


Seems like it's warm, since the snow's melted away from it. We like that. Dremont says it's an old sacred stone. If you bury something, you might get something in exchange. He drops a bit of viz he's been carrying, and the stone absorbs it. I bury a hard silver coin. While I'm scraping a hole in the ground, I dig up a rough-cut ruby. It looks like something is inside the gem. but I can't tell if it's a trapped demon or just an inclusion... I bury my coin in trade.

We huddle against the stone's heat and pass an uneventful night.

The next day, we continue north/northwest along the edge of marsh, looking for Dremont's magic hammer. Yup, there's a barrow. It's always a barrow...

We poke around it a bit, finding a large capstone that probably seals its entrance. We lever on it a bit, but can't get it to budge. Dremont pokes at it with his magic dagger, resulting in a glow. OK, here goes nothing - I dispel magic it. Poof! No stone. Am I good, or what?

Chamber with four amphora. Always good stuff in those. They rattle and break.

Nope. Not good stuff. Four metal snakes crawl out. I burning hands at a couple, but its not enough to stop them. Dremont whacks at one. I get bit and feel poison. Not good at all. Ok, I pull out my mirror image scroll. At least they'll have to choose a Bloggah. We keep whacking and burning. They keep biting. I'm fading, not helped by one of the snakes getting lucky and biting Bloggah 1.0. Finally, we get them to stop all the biting, and I get recovered from the poison. But hey, they are made of hard silver!

Another stone beckons to the south. 

I dispel this one, too. Who knew that making stone slabs go away was so easy?

Chamber with a broken statue and sarcophagus, three amphora, and some ogre(?) skulls on the walls. Very homey. Dremont looks at the amphora while I poke around the sarcophagus. The lid's broken, and I can see the skeleton inside. It's holding a scimitar. Oooo... I touch it. It zaps me. OK. Don't touch that.

Dremont kicks over an amphora, in case it has snakes. It breaks, spilling coins. Nice. A ghost arises from one of the skulls. Not nice. It is offended by Dremont's property damage and attacks him. My magic missile fails, as does Dremont's turn undead. Fine. He smites it gone. Dremont breaks the second amphora, because he doesn't learn lessons. More coins. A second ghost flies out, misses Dremont, and slams into the wall. Can a ghost be clumsy? We make it go away. Dremont breaks the third amphora because he is now obstinately not learning lessons. Still more coins. Still more ghost. Sigh.

Finally, done with all the ghosts and stuff. We look closer at the broken statue in the center of the chamber. Interesting. It has a stone hammer with "Ophorum" carved onto it. This couldn't be the magic hammer, could it? We recall that some weapons are named for the demonic essence that they contain. So calling it calls its demon powers. Fun. 

Oh look, there's a chest in the corner. I dispel magic, but my magic is dispelled instead... Two successes was a good run. Dremont breaks it open with a smite

What do we see?...


...and the session ended on that minor cliffhanger. Somewhere in the session, Dremont decided that cure wounds involved butt-grabbing, and mass cure involved hand-holding. We're not sure how we got to "Brokeback Barrow," but hey, I don't judge.

In the meantime, Columbo, with Hobbs' help, pawned off his mithril coins, then had to go to a moneychanger, where Columbo lost quite a bit due to an unfavorable exchange rate... But he did get an offer from the Hidden Knives to help out with some muscle or other tasks now and then...

Here's the session, with all of its magical butt-grabbing glory.  


  1. I was ready to cross my arms and scream I'm uncomfortable for you Vance, but we accepted Ken into the group and shouldn't expect him to behave any other way. Good write up.

    P.S. Take is easy on your apprentices.

    1. Bloggah is open minded as to the beliefs of other faiths...
