Saturday, June 8, 2024

"Brother Odom's Crypt" - An Encounter Area From Our Campaign

Last session, our band of miscreants came upon a tomb inhabited by an undead knight of an old order. They have encountered such undead warriors before, so delved in to see if they could recruit said knight to their cause. The knight, although handicapped, was willing to join. However, the party found that his soldiers had been corrupted by other organisms, and a fight was had. 

So sharing a slightly revised version of the quick encounter area that I sketched up for the party. 

As clearly shown...

The original map was drawn by prolific creator u/Raznag. I have a handful of his pieces, and this is the first one that got scribbled on. So we have a small, linear crypt with a mushroom-filled cavern. Perfect for a resting crusader and his corrupted colleagues.

Original map here

I made a quick "finished" dungeon from the session map. Elements of the scenario (deity, relic, and faction) are obviously from our campaign, but could be adjusted for your play. The "fungal wraiths" are co-opted from my "Banshee's Tower" adventure, which two of the players have helped to clear. Enjoy.

Welcome to Brother Odom's Crypt

Monday, June 3, 2024

Campaign Journal: The Road to Chirath

The curtain rises on our heroes:

  • Fulvus: halfling
  • Slick: Thief
  • Jax: Barbarian
  • Orzu: Gnome (returning after a hiatus)

After the return to Neuforde, the party refitted and hired up a few new horse-guards and drovers. And, of course, they asked Hugo what he might have in stock. The gnome alchemist has a couple of his special healing potions available, as well as an "explosive paste" that Slick took interest in. Hugo also gave the party a crock of "caustic sludge" (alchemical waste) that they may find uses for.

Some catch-up of events and discussion, as Orzu's player has been on walkabout for a couple of months. The decision was made to head to the city of Chirath, regional capital for the Hougon Duchy, since a number of potential resources were rumored in the city and surrounds.

Bright and early the next morning, the party rolled out. A long day of travel, and no untoward events, brought the party to the gates of the town of Laford, located at a 'Y' in the trade road. The guards were roused and reluctantly opened the town gates. They grumpily pointed the party toward the town's inn ("The Half-Full Cup") and went back to their guard-house. 

The halfling proprietor took a look at the party and their retainers, did some quick mental calculations, and said, "Wait a moment." Some commotion and noise was heard from upstairs, and he returned. "A room has just opened up..." The local beer-seller was happy to talk shop with Fulvus, and essentially shared the family recipe. Everyone had lodging and a good stew to close the night. Slick stole a hat (pointy, indigo).

The next morning, the party was greeted with pastries from a local shop and sent on their way with well wishes. Some time after noon, the party crossed a river ford. Buzzards were spotted in the sky. Slick dismounted, went invisible, and scouted ahead.

Always a good sign