Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Contest Entry 2 - No ArtPunk Contest

Entry #2 for this month. Fortunately a deadline extended (August 31) so that I could wait for the muse-imps to finish their coffee or running errands and come give me a hand.

So plenty of folks aren't so hot with the pink and purple layouts or out-there artistry, or art for the sake of art game or adventure writing... I appreciate people stretching creatively, and especially the innovation in game and adventure design of the last few years, but much of it doesn't appeal to my esthetics. 

Or maybe I'm just a luddite who can't do layout to save his life.

Well, the Prince of Nothing rolled up a contest just for us unfortunates: the No-Artpunk contest

With tongue planted firmly in cheek, he announced the contest in the theme of just making some interesting adventure content.  

Well, I had a map floating around to start from, at least...

I don't know if it fits the criteria, of "exciting, fantastic, and fun," but I occasionally need a deadline to create. The idea of a 'hidden thing' stands out on multiple levels with this map, as the main edifice of the complex is hidden behind secret doors. So the 'hidden thing' theme came up a couple of times in my scribbling and drafting for this adventure. Let's see if it works. Oh, and the big bad may be a bit squidgy for some folks. I have no issue with it being reskinned by users.

Come take a walk down The Long Hall

Update: PoN's feedback here

Revised adventure here


  1. Nice. Added to the Blog Database (twice).

  2. Appreciate the Stanisław Lem reference there, nice.

    1. I've read Lem, but whatever reference was inadvertent - obviously a contribution from the subconscious (or horrible insect gods).

    2. belay that- found the reference. Chalk it up to a serendipitous random name generator (and horrible insect gods).
