Monday, February 17, 2025

Shadowdark: Bloggah's Blog #19: Urban Renewal

Get off the top of the fridge!

Hey, why do you keep all the good snacks way up here? I'm staving!

Those are the dog treats!

Whatever. Pigs ear! And bully sticks! No way! You've been holding out on me!


... We catch our breaths. Someone finds a healing potion and we split it between Dremont and I. I'm feeling like half the goblin I used to be.

The fog is crawling through the streets. We hear people calling for help - Columbo thinks he hears Godfrey's wife. She's been missing since the fog happened the first time (this time? Least time? This time travel stuff is confusing). Down into the foggy streets and alleys we go, because that's smart. Tarim calls for Serath's aid, and on cue, a Meridon of the Temple of Serath emerges from the fog, one-shotting demons and being a bit full of himself.

Fine, let's go. We step into the fog and I feel it burning and weakening me. Just another day.

Columbo hears Mrs. Godfrey off in the mist and trundles off. Some tentacle demon lurches out of a well to grab him. He pulls loose, chopping at tentacles. Fine. I'll help. Zap. 

let's see if this gets me flagged.

Mr. Meridon gets grabbed by a second demon and Tarim, wanting to make a good impression, sidles over to help.

More hot tentacle action, as the boys swipe at things. I stay out of the way, choking in the foul mist. Damnit, I'm in the middle of a Viking Party. The Meridon yanks me back to life and accuses me of slacking.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

They Met at A Tavern 7: Revisiting Kabrel's Tower

New year, new journals...

Another Meetup play report, where I meet strangers and try to kill them... figuratively. Superbowl Sunday was coming up, so I posted up a game titled, "Gaming for Those Not Watching the Game." I had no dog in the hunt, and figured plenty of other folks also approached the game with a rousing, "meh." A neighborhood taphouse was bereft of screens and set aside a table for me. The game of the night was Shadowdark.

Who made it?
  • Wes (Elf wizard)
  • Davion (Dwarf Knight of St. Ydris)
  • Leif (Elf ranger)
  • Seana (Human fighter)

I got everyone situated and bumped up to 2nd level. Rolled for hats, as is tradition. 

We started in Neuforde with rumors of not-quite-humans raiding local farms and caravans. The priest in town volunteered a local youth ('Sven') to act as a guide. Knowing the raids came from the southwest, Sven led the party to the overgrown trade road and they picked their way through the alder. 

As is tradition, they were set upon by a party of Chaos mutants consisting of a leader on Damned Horseback and four mooks. The mooks were visibly altered, particularly the one naked dude...

Battle was joined, with the two elves focusing on the leader, and the other two party members going after the mooks. The leader's spells got disrupted enough to have little effect. The dwarf laid about himself with his razor chain. The dwarf and elves badmouthed one another. Sven hid in the bushes.

Two of the baddies were slain, including naked acid-skin guy, and the remaining two mooks and leader fled with one hp each. The dwarf salvaged a dose of acid from the dead mutant and gave it to the ranger as a peace offering. Symbols on the dead mooks implicated a Chaos goddess known for twisting nature.

an old friend

The Hedge-Mage for Old Games and Shadowdark

Whew, its been a long time since I cobbled together a character class! Looks like the last time I dabbled in class creation was the Tabaxi...

That will not do.

So - a couple of things. First of all, I snuck in the "Hedge-mage" at the back of my Brindlegrit Gatehouse scenario, so it's likely that the class went unnoticed. So I wanted to pull it out as its own post.

Secondly, for anyone who's suffered through watching our Shadowdark sessions - If Bloggah the goblin mage happens to level up at the end of a session, I roll his new spells randomly. It just fits the character, and the fact that I enjoy the random nature of magic in Shadowdark (even if my colleagues in the game may not have similarly refined tastes).

So, expanding on that theme, we have the hedge-mage, an unschooled, or perhaps undisciplined, student of magic, who happens to pick up magic wherever and however they can. And therefore, randomly. If fact, they may even be unburdened by the constraints of magical schools or mechanics. Therefore, every spell that they own is rolled randomly.

It may not be to everyone's (or anyone's) taste. But magic should be random, mysterious, and somewhat out of control. That's my story and I'm sticking with it.

Anyway, here we have the Hedge-Mage for your generic Old School Funny Dice Game:

Download me!

And for Shadowdark... I formatted the language and table for SD, but didn't duplicate the layout and style because my design skills are one step above crayons and edible school paste.

Download me, too!

AND NOW, SHADOWDARK V. 2.0, updated after a couple of reader suggestions (plus a tweak to the OSR variant).

Slightly shady spellslinger by Nicholas Roerich.

D66 Magic Axes

Behold, more D66 goodness! This time, the doughty battle axe! Favored by dwarves, barbarians, seafaring raiders, and those folks who just like to chop stuff!


Download Me Here


Closing in on another dozen lists, so will compile another baker's dozen soon...

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Campaign Journal: Dead in the Desert

Oops, behind on my journaling. I have a few sessions to catch up: my OSE campaign, the Shadowdark campaign, and a Shadowdark one-shot.

Let's get to it, shall we?

Slim attendance at the campaign, with several schedule conflicts. So you run for who shows:

  • Slick - thief
  • Jax - Barbarian
  • Rondel - elf

The party headed south, guided by Bogumir, and with two wagons of good hardwoods in tow. Slick occupied his time by pranking Snogriz the assayer. 

The journey was generally uneventful as they travelled a rugged wagon-road. After two days, they arrived at a caravanserai surrounded by a stout wall and offering stables, a tower with lodging, and a well to replenish water. Symas, the proprietor, welcomed Bogurmir, and had his crew unhitch and settle the animals. Slick was pleased to see active guards on the wall, and that the various stablehands looked like they could handle themselves in a scrap.


Symas questioned why the party was attempting to trade late in the season, and shared that the desert elves had not visited much over the last year. They seemed even more uptight than usual...

The stay at the caravanserai was uneventful, the food fair.