Monday, March 3, 2025

Shadowdark: Bloggah's Blog #20 - Blaze of Glory

Whoo! Did you dogs fart in here? What did you get into?

Oh, the tablet. Why is is smoldering? This had better not violate the warranty... 

Corrupted file. Hmm. Let's see what we can find ... 


taptaptap. is this thing on? are the words showing up? i can't tell from here...

oh well.

so there we are. i stumble down the steps into the dark temple where we first met the cardmaster. dremont is down, demons are flocking about - vrock and dretch... columbo and tarim are standing firm against a greater demon as it tells them to lay down their weapons. better to not be seen. i turn invisible. the magic works...

tarim and columbo turn to attack some third type of demon, i guess. the big demon changes to a sexy big demon and asks nicely for them to put down their weapons. they agree this time. vacant-eyed yahoos. doing whatever a pretty lady asks.

a demon tries to drag a dead-ish dremont away. fine. i didn't need to stay invisible anyway. i missile it back to wherever it came from.

dremont still mostly dead.

columbo gets enough of his few wits about him, gets a potion into dremont. it works. dremont now a conscious drooling idiot. improvement?

the bad lady demon touches tarim with a scepter, and he goes down. sigh. this is how it's going to go. i missile the bad lady, that stops her from doing more harm to tarim.

columbo under a pile of demons, swinging away. just like he likes it.

something happens with dremont, and he comes to, glowing blue. does he get signal from the forest down here?

columbo has tarim's spear of serath - he's poking at the demon portal. it seems to have a little effect. very little. 

i remember something. pat at my pockets. there it is. oblivion card. I hold it up to the bad lady demon, and she goes away.

.... funny... wasn't there something else down here?

just a bunch of confused-looking demons. well, join the club. oh look. a couple of portals. pick your destination. dead or in hell. interesting.

dremont has enough spirit left to revive tarim. as dremont stumbles around, his blue aura pushes the demons away. columbo tries to pray the portal away, but serath obviously wants nothing to do with him. some demons drift through the portal and away to the abyss.

hmm, these demons need guidance. fair enough. i light my lantern of pain and wave it around, calling the lost ones to follow me to the portal. 

tarim takes his spear back, dremont tries herding demons with his aura.

i toss the lantern into the hell portal. it draws in a few, but most of the rest start to lose interest.

tarim is praying to serath, to no avail. dremont seems to be herding his batch of demons toward the death portal. columbo tries to close the hell portal by smashing rocks. ok, buddy.

the demons pause. we can see ones within our halo of light, sense and hear scores more out in the dark of the undercity. 


these demons aren't going to get their shit together without someone to point them in the right direction. 

i light my everburning candle, hold it up, and call for them to follow. 

time to go. i drop my fork.

and step through the portal. infinite scrublands stretch before me 

adapted from

and I am surrounded by my new demon minions. 

come, we will start anew.

and off we walk toward the horizon.

some time later, i think i hear a warrior's cry, and something about doom...


And so it ends. 27 sessions, of which Bloggah made 20. 

In the end, Bloggah became a minor archfiend in Averness, Dremont dragged his demons to the land of death, Tarim sealed the hell portal by leaping through in classic Doomsinger style, and Columbo was left to tell the tale. In whatever way he wanted to spin it... 

A very split party.

Well, that was fun. Tim has a pleasantly horrible campaign world in the Komor Forest... 

...of which we explored a small sliver of it. Dremont never got his relic warhammer, Bloggah never got to find out what that one book in the forest was, we never quite figured out what was up with that dead elf we found back in the beginning that everyone became interested in. Plus whatever mischief the Cardmaster was up to in his odd collecting ways. But we did save the city of Scorn, in one form or another, through a couple of timelines, apparently. 

Here's the swan song in all of its chaotic glory:

We'll probably gather for a post-mortem next week, then do a bit of round-robin gaming over the next month or so. 

Shadowdark review, from both sides of the screen, in process.

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