Full house tonight:
Jax - Barbarian
Fulvus - Halfling
Rondel - Elf
Frederick - Thief
Orzu - Gnome
Slick - Thief
Anyway, with Beladon the elf reportedly raging and on the hunt for those who cleaned out his vaults (and killed his mimic), it was time for a bit of a vacation of the marine kind the the Smoking Isles and the Sea Dwarves.
A communique to Yornick, and a message back to be at the docks near the fishmonger's at midnight. The party made their silent way to the docks, to see a familiar fishing caravel, the Wolverine, and Captain Albergati. The captain welcomed them aboard, and the lightless boat sipped from the dock. The captain had ferried people and material to the sea dwarves before. It wasn't the most comfortable interaction, but he was up for it, recognizing a favor.
The journey was fortunately uneventful, but for some squalls and a few patrolling sharks. None of which were swept up in a tornado. As the boat neared shoals between a pair of great curved seamounts, Meiffo and Siti, a second ship approached and hailed the Wolverine. Fortunately, it was simply another merchantman, its captain warning of some hazardous winds and currents. Albergati shared his gratitude, and sailed on. The Wolverine dropped sails to maneuver the the shoals, and was nearly through when the watch called another ship on approach emerging from a fog bank.
Another merchantman? Nope, the catapult stone holing the deck said otherwise. Time to cowboy up. Jax took the ship's scorpion and fired off a bolt, going wide. As the attacking ship neared, the various bowmen took shots, attempting to set sails on fire. Slick had some explosive paste from Hugo, and focused fire on the opposite's catapult, causing it some damage. The opposite ship's members began to fire at Jax and the two spellcasters, once they revealed themselves.
Albergati and the opposite ship raced one another, sometimes pulling apart, sometimes closing. Occasionally, the party found a opposite combatant or spellcaster among them, whether by teleport, swimming, or flight. Damn mutants. Somewhere in this, Jax got webbed, putting the scorpion out of commission. Orzu handicapped the other ship with a convincing sharknado, and others caused enough fire damage to slow its pursuit.
Somewhere in this, a third ship appeared, with pipes and drums blaring. A dwarven galley. It rammed the attacker, holing it to the depths. Because dwarves will somehow find a way to hit anything with a hammer.
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Yeehaw! |
The ship hailed Albergati, recognizing him from other liaisons. The two ships sailed to Thaehaspho, the main island of the Sea Dwarves. Subterranean docks loomed from the volcanic island's walls, and the ships sailed into their maw as massive chains were raised behind them.
Welcome to Morn Kolduhr, city of the Sea Dwarves.
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Something like this, but full of dwarves |
The party disembarked, introducing themselves to the galley captain, and escorted to other dwarves. They produced their 'gift' - Beladon's inventory. Meeting with the tribunal: Xandra Ironhide (captain of the rescuing galley), Gufrin Darkstone, and Grumli Goldgrip, the party explained their quest, and how the dwarves' rumored forges may aid in recreating the lenses critical for the reconstruction of the Barrier.
Dwarves appreciate a challenge. The party was invited to freshen up and take advantage of the dwarven steam baths and some healing. After some moments, dusty tomes were extracted from shelves, and ledgers and journals reviewed. Yes, we made the lenses before. Here are the dates, here are the craftsmen, here is the inventory. Dwarves are very detailed in their recordkeeping.
Unfortunately the crafts folk who had formed the original lenses had all passed beyond the veil, but there were others able to take on the task. A test-firing was proposed with rubies provided by the party, although smaller due to material limitations.
Ruby resources were discussed, whether from mines in the mountains, or ruby sands rumored in the deserts to the south. Time to do some inventory.
DM Notes:
Ok, finally to the Smoking Isles. They've been sitting out there in the middle of the Maranan Sea, taunting us. The party has been aware of the forges, and needed some impetus to reach out.
The ship battle was fun, although the two boats never quite closed (using evasion rolls each round, and the pursuer never rolled quite well enough...). That said, having a random mutant show up onboard ever round or so kept things lively. I think the party hoped for a boarding action...
Slick, or perhaps Slick's player, was getting a bit salty there, so I'll have to check in on that, see if there is some extracurricular activity that might interest him, or something else - I want to make sure everyone gets their fun in, and don't want anyone to feel that they are just riding along.
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