Been a bit since my last post, plus it's time for another D66 list...
If magical swords are the bread and butter of enchanted items, then Intelligent ones are definitely the German chocolate cake. Or some bad metaphor like that.
Joethelawyer recently described giving one of his players an irascible intelligent magic sword, and of course, our own campaign has Jax being occasionally goaded by Faith Perpetual.
Which reminded me it was time to make another list. So here's a list of swords, with names and personalities. They are, after all, NPCs in their own rights. Have fun with Troll-bane, a +3 broadsword that detects alignment and crusades against the undead....
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D66 Intelligent Swords:
D66 Name
11 Scorn
12 Althazar the Sharp
13 Fellblade
14 Agananthus
15 Circe
16 Hellbion
21 Mr. Pokey
22 Giant-Killer
23 Excelsior
24 Viriaicus
25 Killmonkey
26 Aethelred's Thegn
31 Troll-bane
32 Big Prick
33 Skolmander
34 Jesry's Grip
35 Skewer
36 Dúngail
41 Fell Mangler
42 Battlemouse
43 Steelheart
44 Ironblood
45 Call-Me-An-Angel
46 King Ulaf's Knight
51 Malice and Venom
52 Ranger's Leaf
53 Hattusamuwa
54 Faith Perpetual
55 Odo's Hand
56 le Griffon Isolé
61 Hofnarggaganufus
62 Xelendria's Shield
63 Frank
64 Glamandoridian
65 Excitable Boy
66 The Artist's Edge
D66 Personality/Characteristics
11 Silent, judgmental
12 Bellicose, braggart
13 Droning voice, old stories
14 Inappropriate jokes
15 Strategist, shrewd
16 Gambler, pushes bearer to risks
21 Meditative, decisive
22 Pacifist, may lock itself into sheath
23 Projects nightmares of past battles
24 Recites holy books
25 Compares bearer to previous wielders
26 Hates elves
31 Mumbles
32 Does bird calls
33 Drawls, folksy wisdom, odd metaphors
34 Sings hymns interspersed with bar songs
35 Unintelligible accent, very insistent
36 Has 200 year-old gossip
41 Flirts with everyone
42 Encyclopedic knowledge of monster weak spots
43 Knows where to find the special mushrooms
44 Childish, whinging
45 Sulky, goes silent for perceived slights
46 Officious, noble
51 Goads bearer to strongest opponent
52 Giant-slayer
53 Sneaky, manipulative
54 Flamboyant, duelist
55 Composes poems
56 Uncertain, pessimist
61 Crusades against undead
62 Really wants to fight a dragon
63 Cheerleader
64 Haunted, multiple souls
65 Greedy
66 Mocking, alternatively to bearer and opponents
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D6 Form
1 Longsword
2 Shortsword
3 Broadsword
4 Rapier
5 Scimitar
6 Zweihander
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Lansing, Marion Florence, 1883 - Public Domain |
A great collection of intelligent swords that can serve as compelling NPCs in their own right. The personality traits add depth and flavor, making each sword a character your players won't forget.